A Silken Dream Team

Meet the fabulous women behind the brand

Our brand would be nothing without its team of wonder-women who work hard towards creating something truly special. These women are passionate, driven, and definitely goal oriented. 


Our brand’s founder is happiest in the depths of a gallery amidst large walls of modern art, in a bustling city where creative stimulation lies at every corner, or in the tranquility of nature – atop a snowy mountain or by the sea, always in search of her next source of print inspiration.


Sales exec, dancer and dog lover. She’s an advocate for women’s rights and is super passionate about being part of a sustainable fashion industry.


Seamstress, mother and camping enthusiast. When she’s not perfecting something at the sewing machine, you’ll find her deep within the countryside, enjoying nature in the company of her family and her dog Sandy.


Digital marketing exec, foodie, unostentatious photographer and proud cat mum. When she’s not brainstorming our next creative shoot, you’ll find her browsing the latest vintage pop-up shops to add to her growing collection.